EPG Testoshred - Replenish Natural Testosterone, Powerful Natural Test Booster, Stimulates Energy And May Increase Sex Drive!
Boost, Shred, Stimulate & Increase Testosterone With This New Testoshred Formula!
TESTOSHRED is a combination of 3 well known natural testosterone boosters along with the strongest estrogen burning, body shredding ingredient reserved for only hardcore bodybuilders and athletes.
Building an awesome testosterone product is like building a “killer body”! You have to build it using a combination of highly effective ingredients that work synergistically.
These four ingredients work in synergy to ensure the replenishing of natural testosterone production, while leaning and shredding the core...
The Desired Results.
Acacetin (5,7-Dihydroxy-4-methoxyflavone)
Acacetin is an anti-aromatase and estrogenic activity blocker that is derived from the Damiana Plant. Aromotase is the essential part to estrogen synthesis in the human body and Acacetin has been shown by researchers to be the most effective natural substance to block the synthesis.
In one research study, Acacetin lowered aromatase synthesis by over 60%. There is a common dosage used by manufacturers of 100mg, Testoshred uses 100mg Acacetin per 4 capsule serving.
Acacetin is not a banned substance by most sporting bodies.
D Aspartic Acid: First you start with a common base: D-Aspartic Acid (DAA).
D-Aspartic Acid is a natural testosterone-boosting powerhouse that has been shown to significantly increase TESTOSTERONE levels while promoting strength, energy levels, and healthy sex drive. D-aspartic acid reacts within the brain to release the luteinizing hormone, or LH. LH then travels to the testicles where it enters the specialized cells, or Leydig cells, which have the function of creating testosterone.
Tribulus Terrestris: Then add a Herculean testosterone enhancer!
Tribulus Terrestris stimulates the body's production of the luteinizing hormone, which promotes the production of testosterone: the key male hormone responsible for helping to add lean body mass, increases in metabolism, strength, muscle size, density, and fat loss. This ingredient is also helpful in lessening symptoms of angina and enhancing athletic performance, all while supporting sexual health, and a general feeling of overall well -being.
Athletes take Tribulus Terrestris to ensure natural levels of testosterone are at a normal level at all times – especially during times of heavy training.
Bulbine Natalensis: Combined with an aphrodisiac from South Eastern Africa.
Bulbine is an herb from South Eastern Africa that has traditionally been used as an aphrodisiac and shown to not only increase testosterone, and reduce estrogen...but also capable of boosting sex drive and sexual performance!
Users in a control group experienced NATURAL testosterone levels boosted by up to 347% - while reducing estrogen levels by 35%! In terms of sex drive, Bulbine Natalensis outperformed Viagra for both sex drive enhancing and pro-sexual effects.
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